Interested in carrying Boardwalk Pomade in your shop?


Why Boardwalk?

Boardwalk Pomade™ is quickly becoming the must have brand on your shelf! Our number one focus is to provide Barbershops and other grooming retailers with the best experience possible


We know that a big part of carrying any product is having plenty to use on your customers. We not only give you a free jar with every dozen but also offer back-bar of any product for half of wholesale so you always have Boardwalk Pomade™ on hand and in your customers hair!


Our Original and Strong-Hold Pomades are what started it all and continue to be best sellers at all of our retailers. All of our products are Vegan, made with Aloe-vera and are paraben-free for healthier hair. Your clients will see and feel the difference, not a salesman? No worries! Our products sell themselves. 

Apply below to get your shop on the Boardwalk!

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